Welcome To Our New Website!

Welcome to Spittal Community First School

I am very pleased to welcome you to our fabulous school! We hope our website will give you a window into the life of our school, providing you with the information you need to work in partnership with us which is vital to your child’s happiness, well-being and educational progress.

We are so proud of our school, our pupils and all they achieve. Our motto- CARE- which stands for Create, Achieve, Respect and Enjoy, really sums up what we are all about at Spittal Community First School and what a very special place it is to teach and learn. At our school we aim to create a learning environment that is exciting, challenging, safe and happy. We want to unlock the potential of each child as an individual and support them to achieve well.

We pride ourselves on being a friendly, welcoming school, so if you have any questions or would like to come and meet us please arrange a visit by contacting the school office.

We look forward to getting to know you and your child.

Best wishes.

Wendy Kiff